Yo Boston 8-22-2014

First news thing. Let’s give it a shot.

So, been in Boston about a month. Started introducing myself to the community by attending the BostonPostMortem and later the Boston Indies meetings. Met some cool people. Shit. This first post is just not going to be entertaining. But at least you’ll know what I’m up to, right?

Shit I’ll be doing:

  • 8th – 7 PM – The Boston Women In Games Party 
  • ? – Probs 7 or 6? – IGDA/Boston Post Mortem  They don’t usually post their events details until the week of.
  • 13th – 10AM to 9 PM – Boston Festival of Indie Games – I’ll be volunteering as a roaming photographer this year. Be nice to me or I will capture unsightly things about you.
  • 28th – Is the final day to enter the 2014 IFCOMP entries I’m working on. Those babies need some work. 

Last, I’ve been holding an idea for a little blog thing in my head for a while. It’d be a place where I just post my notes and daily practices. I’d do it to show off what exactly it is that writers do.I think process should be more transparent. At the moment I’m dissecting the short story We Didn’t  by Stuart Dybeck. But I also have some secret game story stuff hanging around I’m intrigued in letting out into the world too. We’ll see if that happens. Maybe ye. Maybe ney.